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Medical Conditions (Duplicate JW)

Our aim is to ensure that all children with medical conditions are properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential. We therefore ask that you complete this form carefully so that we can fully support your child if and when needed.

There are 6 sections on this form:
1. Child Information – Compulsory
2. Medical Conditions / Diagnosis – Compulsory
3. Medications – Optional (must be completed if your child may / will need to take medication during school activities in or out of school)
4. Equipment and resources – Optional
5. Specialist / Consultant Information – Optional
6. Parent / Carer Details and Declaration - Compulsory

Please refer to our school policies page for Asthma, Anaphylaxis and Medical Policies as they contain important information on our procedures. (e.g. any child with Asthma MUST always carry their inhaler with them at all times). Policies Page

Information and Permissions Form


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