AGSB is delighted to fully cover the costs of essential curriculum trips for all students who receive Pupil Premium support. This payment is arranged automatically by us, so please follow the usual trip application process and ignore any payment requests you may receive.
If travel costs are not included as part of the overall trip cost, we will fully reimburse these. In order to claim back additional travel costs, please complete the short reimbursement form below:
We also offer subsidised places on extra-curricular trips. Please see our subsidy formula below:• For extra-curricular trips costing up to £30 - we will cover the cost of the trip in full• For extra-curricular trips costing up to £100 - we will cover 75% of the total cost• For extra- curricular trips costing up to £200 - we will cover 50% of the total cost• For extra-curricular trips costing £200 and more, subsidies will be agreed on a case-by-case basis, subject to the availability of fundsPlease note that our Pupil Premium funding varies annually and that support with trips is subject to funding availability. We will always aim to offer as much support as we possibly can!